Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Life Update July 2021

Hey everyone! This is Melissa. It has been awhile since I wrote here… due to the pandemic, there was nothing to write, except staying safe! Although I made it through, I still need to be careful. A little update on what is happening since the pandemic. I am still walking, but short distance and inside our apartment. My two strokes plus car accident pushed me back… PLUS for the pandemic, I wasn’t able to go to the gym to do exercise. I recently just started to go back to the gym because everything started to reopen. I am glad that I am still able to regain my ability to do what I needed to do… just have to work EXTRA hard. ;) Almost everyone gain a few pounds… 😛 (a little joke of course). We are all in this together. Be safe and take care! Until next time… God bless. -Melissa Yu Mijares

Friday, April 10, 2020

Hey everyone! It is been a few years since I updated my blog. So... I should probably update it first, right? ;) Over a year and four month ago, I got married. I continue to do well, as I relearn and regain my ability to walk again. As you know, I got into a car accident almost three years ago. I hope everyone is going well and staying at home. A few of my friends are wondering why I haven't written yet. So there will be a few changes. I stopped going to school at the moment due to the coronavirus. There is the online schools, but for me, I cannot do it. I cannot do online classes for school. After I found out they are only doing it online, I decided to stop and resume when everything is over. After the chaos and the coronavirus is over, I will be transferring to Saddleback College. Coronavirus is very scary. I do not know when it will be over, but pray that it will come soon. My walking is okay. When it gets cold, my legs will get stiff. I am trying to be healthy and staying home. Until then, be safe and stay home. Happy Good Friday everyone! -Melissa Yu Mijares

Monday, February 15, 2016

Over about a month ago, I decided it was time to take out my brace. My boyfriend encourage me to take out my brace, but when I am ready to do so. I put on my regular shoes, and I started to roll with my walker. At first, I wasn't used to it, because I had my brace for over eight years now. It wasn't used to it, due to my situation that I am partly parallel on my right side. Today, I am still working on strengthening my right leg and my right foot. It is getting better. Little by little, I will eventually get there where I need to be. It will just take time to do so. Well, that is it for right now. I resume back to school in this February at Orange Coast College. I am still taking 5 1/2 hours long classes, but it is only once a week doing Interior Design. I will write more when my schedule is less busy. :) -Melissa Yu

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hi everyone! This is Melissa Yu... again. I'm starting a new semester at Orange Coast Coast. I'm continuing my Interior Design and also, I'm starting back on Spanish again. Although it is a college course, it will go fast (for me at least, because of my situation and my injury). I believe I will succeed if I work hard and focus on my priorities... which is finishing up OCC (Orange Coast College), and transferring... again. :D I did a few transfers already, but it is not over yet. God has a bigger plan for me. There is a reason why I'm still alive and living... and I was chosen and saved again; By His name, to spread the word of MY story... and how it affect ME and MY view of life today. It was not happening to everyone. They were chosen for a reason, and either to appreciate life and cherish it, or go to waste. For my situation, I'm going to cherish it, every single day, because who knows what is going to happen tomorrow. I will finish my Interior Design certificate. I don't know exactly the date yet, but at least I'm going for my goals. I will graduation. I will do a few more lists for my goals, but at least it will be from the start, right? :D -Melissa Yu :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I transferred (again) to Orange Coast Coast, because the one that I wanted to take is not in the program for IVC (Irvine Valley College). I'm studying Interior Design for right now. It starts at 8am-12:30pm (4 1/2 hours), but only meets once a week; mostly lectures, speakers, and some other exciting stuff... I like it though! I'm just updating the latest news because some people were asking me. I will write more when something interesting happened. ;) haha :D :) -Melissa Yu

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hi again! This is Melissa Yu, if anyone wanted to know. My update on what's happened to me for the fall. So the emergency hospital doctors said that it will be at least six months for it to fully recovered and healed (My scar). It will heal in time... just need to have patients... and stay away from the SUN :( ;). In about six month to a year, it might still improve gradually, but otherwise, it will remain the same after six months (my scar). Thank you for your prayers and concerns. It means a lot to me. :D God bless you, and again, thank you for your prayers! -Melissa Yu, self

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On Sunday, February 23, 2014, at night time, Melissa was rushed into the emergency hospital. She was brushing her teeth earlier, as she was finished, she dropped something. She bent down to pick something up, and she lost her balance, and she fell to the floor. As Melissa fell down, she hit her right eye area on the table, and she started bleeding constantly. In the HOAG emergency room, at around 9:30p.m., as the clock was ticking, back and forth, back and forth, the doctors finally finished her operate, at around 1a.m. The doctors said there was a lot of stitches... lost count how many she has; but Melissa said, she was happy that she's alive... again. Pray that the recovery goes smoothly, and that the right eye area will be back to normal. Thank you for your concerned. God Bless YU! :) Melissa Yu (self) and Michael Yu, Marlene Yu, and Mildred Yu